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History Fair

National History Day: History Fair

Each school year, 8th grade students will complete a History Fair Project, individually or in groups, according to the year’s corresponding National History Day (NHD) theme. National History Day is a nationwide History Fair in which advancing and eligible students may compete against others in junior-level categories. Students may choose any appropriate person, event, era, topic, or theme in both United States and world history for their project topics. Students will begin developing their project topics early in the school year and will continue to research and work on their projects throughout the 1st semester and part of the 3rd quarter. In February, OSS hosts its History Fair, which results in 2 winners per category who advance to the Orange County History Fair. Please see below for the tentative History Fair project timeline.


History Fair Timeline



Due Date

Introduction to History Fair requirements, primary and secondary sources, research methods, and topic development


Research and project proposal development


Project proposal due


Develop and finalize projects


OSS History Fairy – Projects due


Orange County History Fair


Florida History Day Competition


National History Day Competition
