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AP Program

Dear AP Families and Students,

As we work together, the entire education community, during this the outbreak, the health, and safety of educators and students are the AP Program’s top priorities as well. At this moment, AP Tests are NOT canceled. College board® is working with the schools, students, and families. Below is AP® Program’s supports the schools and students:

• They are providing free remote learning resources (https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/coronavirus-updates#free-ap-classes )

• They are investing in the development of a new at-home testing option.

We are closely working with the college board and we will continue providing the details to our parents and students. Please see the link below to follow the most up to date information from Collegeboard®. This link is currently available in your school’s app for your convenience as well.

AP Central Covid-19 Updates: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/about-ap/news-changes/coronavirus-update

As we start our Distance Learning on Monday, March 30th, your AP Teachers will provide additional resources and instructional strategies with your students.