Orlando Science Charter is a School of Choice under the Orange County Public School system. In order to retain a student’s seat at Orlando Science for the upcoming year, each student must have a Re-Enrollment form completed every year.
Re-Enrollment ties in directly with our Lottery, letting us know how many open seats we will need to fill.
Re-Enrollment begins every year in November through our online PowerSchool system with a deadline of Early December.
Re-Enrollment Instructions:
Step 1:
Families receive the Re-Enrollment email in November from (subject line: “Re-Enrollment for STUDENT NAME”).
Step 2:
Families use the unique link in the email to activate their student’s Re-Enrollment form. Each student will have a different link. Families with multiple siblings will have multiple emails.
Step 3:
Families log in using the same email and password when first creating their Power School account. Please do not create a second account.
Step 4:
Complete the Re-Enrollment and submit using the blue submit button at the very bottom of the last page. If submitted successfully, the completed form will show up on your PowerSchool Dashboard under “Submitted Forms” and you will receive a confirmation email.
If you need to come back to your Re-Enrollment, PowerSchool saves your progress. You may log in to your PowerSchool Dashboard at any time and the form will be listed under “In Progress Forms”.
Step 5:
If your student(s) have any siblings hoping to enroll at Orlando Science that are not already attending, be sure to submit an application for them. This can be found under “New Forms” on your PowerSchool Dashboard. Be sure to submit the correct year’s application. When completing the application, indicate the name of the student(s) already attending in order to receive sibling preference.
Please note that any incoming Kindergartners must be 5 years old on or before September 1st of the year they are enrolling in order to meet the age requirement set by the State of Florida.