STEM School for Grades K-6 | Tuition Free Public Charter School



On behalf of Orlando Science Schools, we would like to thank you for your interest in volunteering! Family and community volunteers play a huge role in leading our students to success by supporting students, teachers, and schools.

We utilize the OCPS
ADDitions Volunteer Management System which gives volunteers access to their very own Dashboard.

If you haven’t already, refer to the Sign Up Steps document to reactivate or create your ADDitions Volunteer Account and learn how to Search Opportunities at Orlando Science Schools. ADDitions Volunteer accounts must be reactivated annually.

Volunteer Opportunities throughout the year include, but are certainly not limited to: Field Trips, Picture Day, Clubs, Classroom Assistant, STEM Days, AR Celebrations, Mad Scientist Night, Field Day, Scholastic Book Fair, and more. We look forward to seeing you around campus.

ADDitions Website

Sign Up Steps PDF 

ADDitions School Volunteer Guidelines

